Director of Store

İşin təsviri

Specific Title: Director of Store

Reports to: Chief Executive Officer of Buta Kitchen

General Summary:

The general administrative management of the procurement department

1. Provides conformance with mandatory from the retail enterprise’s profile and specific nature of its activities point of view requirements established for the enterprise in the state standards , sanitary, veterinary and fire-protection regulations, and other regulatory documents .
2 . Is responsible for the availability and maintenance of licenses, relevant permits and other documents ( certificates of conformity, hygienic conclusions) and represents them or part of information contained in these documents to the inspection of customers and regulatory authorities.
3 . Bring to the attention of buyers product information and other information to facilitate the proper selection of goods by the buyer .
4 . Brings to the attention of buyers information about the legal form of legal entity, firm name (name), legal address, work schedule, etc.
5 . Ensures the availability of equipment and inventory in accordance with the requirements of the standards, required to preserve the quality and safety of goods during their storage and realization in the point of sale.
6. Ensures the availability and keeping of measuring devices in serviceable conditions, timely execution of their metrological testing in the prescribed manner.
7. Creates the appropriate conditions of trading services, as well as the possibility of correct selection of goods by the buyers.
8. Organizes , plans and coordinates the activities of retail enterprise .
9. Manages the current activities aimed at bringing products to consumers at the lowest expenses.
10 . Oversees the rational use of material, financial and human resources.
11. Analyzes the results of the sales and quality of customer service, develops and implements measures to improve the quality of the sales process.
12. Conducts initial negotiations with the providers of services required for the effective operation of the store.
13. Provides the organization of accounting of commodities and materials and reports the amount of sales to the Chief Executive Officer.
14. Takes decisions on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of the commercial enterprise; takes measures for encouragement of distinguished employees, imposes fines on violators of production and labor discipline.
15. Supervises employees of the store.
16. Represents the interests of the enterprise and acts on its behalf in the interaction with regulatory authorities and the lessor of the trading space.
17. Is responsible for correctness of data on actual ending inventory.

Education and Experience Required:

Man/woman from 30 years (conditionally), higher education, work experience in retail enterprises 3 years and more (preferably in the position of director). Knowledge of technology of grocery stores operation, Trading Rules and other regulating documents governing the trading activities . Experience of managing large teams, the ability to organize and plan the store opening.

Candidate must possess the following personal characteristics:

decency, high work capacity (vigor), leadership qualities, spacious mind, dedication in the given project , the ability and desire to learn.

E-mail: [email protected]