Senior/Lead Production Geologist

  • Sakhalin Project
  • Elanın qoyulma tarixi: 02.04.2013
    Vakansiyaya müraciət tarixi bitmişdir.

İşin təsviri


Senior/Lead Production Geologist

The job envisages that an employee meets the following qualification requirements:


- Higher professional education and additional training in Production Geologist.

- The minimal previous work experience under the speciality shall be at least 8 years total working experience.

2.  Employee’s Responsibilities

The job responsibilities of Senior/Lead Production Geologist are identified on the basis and in the scope of the qualification requirements of Senior/Lead Production Geologist and may be amended and identified according to the Job Description as required.

Job Description:

• The key activities of Senior/Lead Production Geologist involve: analysis and interpretation of geoscience data, construction of digital geological models, estimation of hydrocarbon reserves.
• Comply with the RF legislation requirements, established standards of the mineral resources conservation and environmental protection, conditions of license agreements for geological surveys, operation of subsurface facilities for industrial disposal of drilling waste and production water, unrelated to development, and development of oil and gas fields;
• Analyse the results of multidiscipline seismic, geoscience and geologic field research;
• Generate digital geological models for studying the geological setting, determination of formation characteristics, account and analyse the current state of economic hydrocarbon reserves in the license area;
• Observe occupational, environmental and industrial safety rules, implementation of measures aimed at improvement of working conditions and sanitary and curative measures.
• Exercise control over design and execution of 2D, 3D and 4D seismic survey;
• Provide seismic data interpretation, assess the information content and quality of materials;
• Study the geological setting of developed fields, participate in preparation of materials for starting fields development;
• Exercise control over field and laboratory studies aimed at obtaining background data for hydrocarbon reserve estimation;
• Provide estimation, prompt re-estimation and analysis of the current state of hydrocarbon economic reserves in the license area, prepare annual balance of reserves and ensure international audit of reserves;
• Prepare materials for substantiation of further exploration;
• Participate in integrated interpretation of geoscience data of seismic survey and well logging;
• Construct digital geological models of a field using Petrel software developed by Schlumberger;
• Participate in compilation of design process documents (process flow diagrams, development projects, design supervision, etc.) for field development;
• Prepare materials for substantiation of strategies and tactics of oil and gas fields further development;
• Monitor and adapt geological models having regard to new actual geoscience data in the course of field development;
• Collate and accept current geoscience and field data, exercise control over replenishment of the geoscience information archive;
• Ensure regular and periodic reporting on conducted geological exploration and prospecting work;
• Participate in activities related to approving and signing of geological reports and design process documents in the appropriate RF authorities;
• Ensure risk assessment and analysis in the course of seismic survey and wells geoscience research;
• Participate in competitive tendering for seismic survey, geoscience research, construction of digital geological models, estimation of reserves and drawing up of field development design documents;
• Prepare the required materials for competitive tendering, award and maintain contracts for geological operations and field development, estimation and audit of hydrocarbon reserves;
• Provide professional advice to the asset team personnel in oil and gas fields geology;
• Exercise control over compliance with the RF legislation requirements, conditions of environmental license agreements related to mineral resources conservation and environmental protection in the course of geological survey, areal seismic survey, geoscience research and development of oil and gas fields;
• Perform work in compliance with the RF legislation requirements, approved standards (norms, rules) of safe work performance, occupational, environmental and industrial safety.
• Provide coaching and competence development support for more junior geologist in the asset team.

3.  Professional knowledges and competences:

• Guiding and order documents, methodological and regulatory materials on geology and development of oil and gas fields;
• Applicable standards, technical specifications, provisions and guidelines for the development and execution of technical documents on geology and development of oil and gas fields;
• Methods of technical calculations and cost-efficiency analysis of research and designs; latest achievements of science and technology, best international and domestic practices in the relevant field of business;
• Prospects of technical development and specifics of the SEIC Technical Directorate;
• Basics of economics, labour and management organisation; fundamentals of labour legislation, rules and norms of labour safety;
• Operation principles, technical parameters, up-to-date computer aids and means of communication.

E-mail: [email protected]