Marketing & PR Specialist

  • Elanın qoyulma tarixi: 29.10.2018
    Vakansiyaya müraciət tarixi bitmişdir.

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Who we are :

BAKUPAN is a new dynamic  Baku based construction materials manufacturer and trading company.  We specialize in products such as roofing solutions, sandwich panels, aluminium ceilings and etc. 

Job Responsibilities:

This  position  is  responsible  for managing all  aspects  of marketing  and  PR  at  the  corporate  level  and  support  of  the  individual  platform  functions  on  a  day‐to‐day  basis.    The  candidate should have strong writing and communication skills in addition to a natural eye  for  formatting, colors, and appealing aesthetics to ensure a professional, brand consistency.

Job duties:

● Manage all marketing materials, website updates, and social media presence on behalf of  the Company  
● Responsible for corporate messaging development and distribution   
● Be  the  last  point  of  contact  with  Company  deliverables  before  they  are  published/distributed  ensuring  all  formatting,  aesthetics  and  content  are  in‐line  with  Company standards and expectations  
● Proactively generate ways to advance the Company’s brand in industry trade publications,  digital  media,  speaking  opportunities,  conference  participation  and  other  forms  of  advertising  
● Actively  market  and  promote  Company  news  and  project  development,  property  management and acquisition activities including formal press release distribution, article  development / pitch, social media, etc  
● Prepare and manage leasing materials and project marketing materials as needed  
● Ghost write articles on behalf of Company/key employees 
● Responsible for the distribution and content of eAlert (electronic company newsletter)  
● Assist team in the preparation of new business materials including RFQ/RFP responses,  new business meeting pitch and prep, presentations, etc 
● Develop branded materials as needed: PowerPoint Template, RFQ and other supporting  materials
● Manage  and  assist  the  team  in  maximizing  membership  potential  with  various  local,  regional and national memberships, associations and affiliations (Chamber of Commerce,  HLNDV, ASHE, etc)   
● Create the annual marketing plan/budget   
● Implement the annual marketing plan   
● Continually evaluate the public relations strategy  
● Ensure documents and marketing materials are current, accurate and properly reflect the  brand and desired messaging  
● Performs other duties as assigned which are in the best interests of the Company

Skills and Qualifications:

● Qualifications required: A Graduation Degree in Sales and Marketing.
● Gender: Female
● Age: up to 40 years old
● Minimum Experience Required: 3 Years in construction materials trading is a must.
● Demonstrate ability to think creatively and independently  
● Advanced design knowledge / experience  
● Strong work ethic and motivation to succeed  
● Possess strong organizational skills and attention to detail necessary to prioritize multiple  initiatives and projects  
● Demonstrate a professional level of verbal, written and listening skills  
● Ability to create and assemble attractive marketing materials   
● Working  knowledge  of  design  and  implementation  software  necessary  for  the  job  function  (PPTX,  Prezi,  Word,  PDF,  MailChimp,  Google  Analytics,  LinkedIn,  Facebook,  Adobe InDesign platform or Adobe CC, etc)


The candidate should be fluent in Azerbaijani and in English. 

E - mail : [email protected]