Road and Parking Civil Engineer

  • Elanın qoyulma tarixi: 02.07.2013
    Vakansiyaya müraciət tarixi bitmişdir.

İşin təsviri

Road and Parking Civil Engineer

National (Bachelors Degree, 10 years experience in road and structural civil engineering), will carry out, but will not be limited to, the following tasks:

  • Analyze regulation for private car usage and for parking; and recommend adjustments;
  • Analyze the road network (all kind of roads, bridges and tunnels) capacity and uses; identify existing junctions and stretches of road where delays to general traffic are occurring; identify potential missing links; and recommend improvement measures to eliminate or 
reduce these bottlenecks;
  • Analyze the traffic management system (traffic signals, junctions’ design, traffic control 
center if any, regulation and enforcement, etc.); identify existing gaps and bottlenecks; and 
propose upgrades and improvements;

E-mail: [email protected]