
İşin təsviri

The Sosial Fund for the Development of IDPs  (SFDI) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, an implementing agency under the Additional Financing for “IDPs Living Standards and Livelihoods Project” financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Government of Azerbaijan, announces the following vacancy:


Job Description:

The driver-mechanic is responsible for keeping the car entrusted him always in good working condition and organize and adjust work of SFDI’s drivers and cars.

The Main Duties:

• Adjust the work of drivers submitted to him, give them assignments and require to follow the traffic rules
• Carry out technical service of the SFDIs cars daily and provide its serviceability
• Provide preventive inspection and if necessary major repair of SFDIs cars
• Control the cars to move according to the waybill
• Organize registration of the cars in the appropriate authorities, provide their insurance and technical service
• Keeping the car in a good condition answering the technical regulations;
• Provide running maintenance
• Participate in current and complete repair
• Follow the traffic rules and guarantee the personnel and passengers security while performing his duties
• Fill the in the statement of working hours, drivers’ register, waybills. In case of business-trips to submit the advance reports

Work Conditions:

Be ready for frequent trips to the regions.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (July 2014).
Eligible candidates should submit their CVs and copies of  their licenses to attention of SFDI at the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) not later than 6 November, 2017, by 18:00.
Address:  57D Tbilisi Avenue,
Social Fund for the Development of IDPs Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1122
Phone: (99412) 4318703, 4318769
Fax: (99412) 4318211
E-mail: [email protected]