Physics (Fluid Mechanics) Teacher

  • UFAZ
  • Elanın qoyulma tarixi: 26.12.2021
    Vakansiyaya müraciət tarixi bitmişdir.

İşin təsviri

Job requirements:

  • Teaching experience in Fluid Mechanics
  • A Master’s degree as a minimum level of education with a high average grade and/or with distinctions in physics or similar field
  • Excellent level in English: applicants must be able to teach in English in their topic 
  • Applicants must have at least two years teaching experience at bachelor level 
  • Additional assets in the CV: 
  1. education experience abroad (full curriculum, mobility, or training)
  2. familiarity with textbooks written in English
  3. knowledge of modern educational methods (information and communication technologies for education)
  4. knowledge of French language
  5. PhD
  6. postdoc abroad

Please send your CV with the title  “Physics (Fluid Mechanics) Teacher” and motivational letter.

Email: [email protected]