Accountant internship

  • Affiliati
  • Elanın qoyulma tarixi: 10.01.2024
    Vakansiyaya müraciət tarixi bitmişdir.

İşin təsviri

What you need to know and have:

  • Work under the supervision of the business services division management and follow the accounting or auditing process
  • Collect, understand, process, verify and report accounting related-information
  • Provision of assistance in the preparation of monthly or weekly financial reports
  • Support in development and utilization of spreadsheets, databases and other applications
  • Upper intermediate English
  • Manage specialized information, reports, forms dealing with fees, billing, tracking of documents
  • Assist in daily treasury operations, monitor and track key treasury operational benchmarks
  • Prepare financial reports after studying the details about various financial transactions being made by the company;

What You will Get:

  • Opportunity to work in international start-up environment
  • 5/2 working week, opportunity for professional and career growth
  • 3 months salary
  • Become one of the stars of dynamic and agile team

Interested candidates can send their resume indicating "Accountant internship" in the subject line of message.