data analitik
⋄ Elvin.V. Sadygov, K.H. Safarova. On Embedding Theorem in Variable Lebesgue Spaces with Mixed Norm. Caspian Journal of Applied mathematics, Ecology, and Economics. Vol. 5, № 2, 2017, p.125-129. ⋄ Sadigov Elvin Vugar. Integral Representation of Functions in the Variable Sobolev spaces. Proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Azad Khalil Mirzajanzade, Baku, December 13-14, 2018. p. 281-282.
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
Riyazi Analiz ixtisası (Fərqlənmə ilə)
İngilis - B1 – Orta (Intermediate)